Jordan DID Numbers / Toll Free (Preview)

We’re excited to announce the capability of delivering legal and scalable Jordan DID (Direct Inward Dialing) local phone numbers and toll-free numbers.

P.S: At this stage the Jordan Virtual Phone numbers are only available for enterprise customers  and call-center with specific and strictly vetted use-cases by our team.

Jordan DID Numbers: Use-cases

  • Build a Local Customer Base in Jordan
  • Enhancing Existing Customer Service Experience
  • Drive Costs down for your customers
  • Connecting Local DIDs to your business apps (Databases)
  • Increase voice quality and two-way sms communication with your consumer base
  • Allow Entrepreneurs to Develop new ideas and services on top of SMS/Voice capable numbers
  • Scalability automation, go from 1 channels to 1000’s of  channels without worrying about upgrading your hardware infrastructure.

How to Purchase:

While we work to build a complete automation for provisioning the Jordan DID numbers via our wholesale exchange portal and programmable exchange APIs you can still pre-order the DID numbers by emailing .

How to Use Jordan DID Numbers (Technical):

There are two ways to consume the Jordan DID Numbers:

  1. TelecomsXChange will point the Saudi DID Phone Numbers to you over SIP Protocol (Session Initiation Protocol) to your PBX/CallCenter and you can then manage the configuration and rules of incoming calls from your end.
  2. TelecomsXChange CPaaS (Communication Platform as a Service) enabled partners can build the complete business logic for you on top of its powerful CPaaS platform and design and implement the customer service scenario that you’re looking to achieve like IVR Trees, text-to-speech, dialing extensions, redirecting to applications, connecting to external services (Business APIs) to do things like customer account lookups and many other use-cases.