What is a DID Exchange?
DID Exchange refers to a two or more carriers exchange their direct inward dialing (DID) numbers inventory over the internet, when people make phone calls around the world the phone service providers send these calls from one phone number to another, the process of carriers obtaining, provisioning and assigning one or more DID number to communication service provider network is basically a DID Exchange.
DID Exchange Platform, Why Build One ?
In this blog we will not be discussing the reasons for DIDs growth, instead we will be focusing on why do we need to build an DIDs Exchange platform.
The Problem (Globally)
P.S: We are not focused on the problems related to North America Markets instead we’re generally speaking about international challenges when it comes to buying or selling DIDs.
If you have ever tried to buy or sell DIDs from operators before you’ll immediately connect emotionally to this blog post 🙂 if not i will try to explain to you some of the problems you will face if you’re trying to connect to operators to obtain DID numbers.
Our experience is very similar to the experience we had before with Voice Carriers, which means to interconnect with one single carrier you need to spend months if not years to get the paper work done, business case approved and other questions like who is the customer, why they want to use the numbers and so on.
Even when you supply the carrier with all the information you still don’t get a good results, this does not make any sense to us and am sure it won’t make sense to you, while it takes manually many years to connect to a few carriers and tons of security deposits, TelecomsXChange made it simple and automated for buyers to interconnect with 300+ Voice carriers in minutes instead of years, we built it and made it happen for voice and we see no problem bringing everything we learned and make it happen also for DIDs with the help of contributors and partners.
The Mission
The DIDs exchange is designed to make it simple and easy for carriers to sell or buy their DIDs in bulk and get paid automatically for them.
It will include an API for List, Buy and Release actions which can be integrated with third party platform for automation, a good use case for this would be CPaaS enabling all parked DID numbers with RestcommONE Cloud platform for CPaaS enablement.
The initial functionality of TelecomsXChange DIDs exchange will include monthly billing and settlement for used DIDs. An option to set a per minute price and TelecomsXChange will keep a track of usage and payout sellers automatically in real time for incoming calls to the DIDs.
TelecomsXChange buyer on the platform can buy any of the available DIDs and point them to any SIP address(s) for consumption, the buyer can point a bulk or a single DID via DNS SRV Record for High Availability or to single IP.
We’re putting together the telecom industry leaders to contribute with both technology and market knowledge to make this happen, we’re also open for community ideas and contributions, if you have an opinion or a requirement please go ahead and email tier1@telecomsxchange.com .
Thank you very much for reading and we’ll keep you posted on this matter.
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