Before you embark on sending a single or bulk SMS using ChatGPT, there are a few key requirements you must meet to ensure a seamless experience:

  1. Verified Account on TelecomsXChange (TCXC): To get started, you’ll need a verified account on the TelecomsXChange platform. If you don’t have one yet, sign up on TCXC and complete the verification process.
  2. Available Funds in Your SMS Account: Ensure that you have sufficient funds in your SMS account on TCXC to cover the cost of sending SMS messages. You can top up your SMS account as needed.
  3. Purchase an SMS Route on TCXC: ChatGPT, integrated with TelecomsXChange, will require you to specify an SMS route for message delivery. Purchase an SMS route on TCXC that suits your requirements.
  4. ChatGPT Plus subscription: To use TelecomsXChange custom GPT to send SMS you must be a ChatGPT plus subscriber, if you’re not you can upgrade your Free plan to become a plus member.

If you have met the above requirements, now you can find TelecomsXChange (TCXC) GPT on the GPT store or directly access it here.

In the video below, we demonstrate the process of creating and sending an SMS campaign (a.k.a. bulk SMS) using ChatGPT via the TCXC Platform. The GPT will walk you through the authentication steps, including providing your TCXC SMS username and password details.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, our “How to Send SMS Using ChatGPT” video offers valuable insights into harnessing the power of AI for enhanced customer communication.

Our aim is to illustrate the potential of connecting Generative AI with the SMS channel. If you’re a business in need of a custom GPT model integrated with your own SMS Gateways and Providers, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for assistance.

Advanced Tutorial: Integrating a Custom GPT with SMS Gateway

Integrating a custom Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) with an SMS gateway involves several steps, from understanding the APIs involved to setting up the necessary infrastructure for communication between systems. In this advanced tutorial, we’ll go through the process to help you establish a seamless integration.


Before you begin, ensure that you have the following:

  • Access to a custom GPT model, either self-hosted or through a service provider.
  • An account with an SMS gateway provider that offers API access.
  • Basic knowledge of HTTP protocols and RESTful APIs.
  • Programming skills in a language that is supported by GPT and SMS gateway APIs (commonly Python, JavaScript, Ruby, etc.).

Step 1: Understand Your GPT’s API

First, get familiar with the documentation provided for your GPT API. Key points to identify include:

  • Authentication mechanisms (API keys, OAuth tokens, etc.).
  • Endpoint URLs for sending requests to the GPT model.
  • The structure of request payloads (JSON, form-data, etc.).
  • Expected response formats.

If you plan to use ChatGPT , please refer their official documentation here.

Step 2: Set Up Your SMS Gateway API

Just like with your GPT, you need to understand the SMS gateway’s API:

  • Identify how to authenticate your requests.
  • Learn the API endpoints for sending SMS messages.
  • Understand the required structure for your requests (recipient number, message body, etc.).

Step 3: Create a Middleware Service

A middleware service will act as a connector between your GPT and SMS gateway, handling the logic of your application. The steps typically involve:

- Writing a handler for incoming SMS messages.
- Sending the content of SMS from GPT to your SMS gateway for processing.
- Receiving the SMS gateway response and forwarding it back to the original sender via JSON Response.

Step 5: Process Data with GPT

When you receive the JSON response from your SMS API middleware , send it to your GPTand process the message for the user, for e.g. (status: submitted, message_id: 18888882AB)

Step 6: Testing

Thoroughly test your system with various scenarios to ensure:

  • Proper handling of the API requests and responses.
  • Accurate parsing and forwarding of messages.
  • Resilient error handling and recovery.

Step 7: Security Considerations

Ensure the security of your implementation by:

  • Encrypting sensitive data.
  • Validating incoming messages to avoid injections and misuse of the service.
  • Regularly updating authentication tokens and keys.

Step 8: Go Live

Finally, deploy your middleware service to a secure and scalable environment. Continuously monitor the system for performance optimization and error resolution.

Remember that the exact implementation details will vary based on the specific GPT and SMS gateway APIs you’re using, as well as the programming language and frameworks at your disposal. Always refer to the latest API documentation for the most current and accurate information.

Carrier Connectivity Requirements

In addition to the technical steps involved in integrating a custom GPT model with an SMS Gateway, it is crucial to address the carrier connectivity requirements to ensure your messages reach the intended recipients without any disruptions. The following are some of the carrier requirements you may need to meet:

Step 10: Campaign Registration

Most carriers require you to register your messaging campaign for compliance purposes:

  • Provide detailed information about the messaging service you intend to operate.
  • Outline the content types that will be sent, such as promotional, transactional, or OTP (One-Time Password) messages.
  • Some regions might require you to submit sample messages for approval.

Step 11: Sender ID Whitelisting

Before sending messages, it is often necessary to have your Sender ID (the name or number that appears as the sender of an SMS) approved by the carrier:

  • The process includes submitting your desired Sender ID for review.
  • Comply with any regional rules regarding alphanumeric Sender IDs versus numeric Sender IDs.
  • Wait for the carrier’s approval before using the Sender ID in your campaigns.

Step 12: Interconnection Agreement

Depending on your message volume and destination, you may need to establish an interconnection agreement with various carriers:

  • Negotiate terms for message delivery rates and quality of service.
  • Ensure that direct connections or aggregators support your traffic type and destinations.
  • Understand the routing options and fallbacks provided in your agreement to maintain high deliverability.

Step 13: Compliance with Local Regulations

Local regulations can significantly affect your messaging service. Be aware of and compliant with:

  • Data protection laws such as GDPR in the European Union, or CCPA in California.
  • Consent requirements for the recipients of your messages, including opt-in and opt-out protocols.
  • Message content restrictions, including those regarding spam and unsolicited messages.

Step 14: Testing with Carrier Networks

Run comprehensive tests to ensure your messages are properly delivered across different carrier networks:

  • Test message deliverability with all carrier networks you intend to use.
  • Verify that Sender IDs and message content appear correctly for the end recipients.
  • Resolve any filtering or delivery issues with the carriers before launching your service widely.

Step 15: Contacting Carrier Support

Set up a line of communication with carrier support teams. When issues arise, you’ll need to:

  • Have support contacts readily available for each carrier.
  • Use established communication channels to troubleshoot and resolve issues promptly.
  • Develop a good relationship with carriers to stay informed about any changes in policies or requirements.

With a thorough approach to meeting carrier connectivity requirements, you ensure not only the technical aspects of SMS delivery but also compliance with regulations and good working relationships with carriers. This ensures that your custom GPT integration delivers messages effectively and maintains a high level of service quality.